10+ Examples of Shrubs at Rustomjee Crown

June 17, 2024 by Rustomjee Editor
Rustomjee Crown Podium Trees
Rustomjee Crown Podium Trees
June 17, 2024 by Rustomjee Editor

Rustomjee Crown is a symbol of luxury and sophistication, situated in the midst of Mumbai’s crowded and fast-paced environment. Its beauty lies not only in its magnificent design and top-notch facilities but also in the vast green spaces, creating a peaceful place away from the city hustle.

Rustomjee Crown is an urban oasis in the middle of the city. The landscape is made up of flourishing gardens, green parks, and serene pathways, where you can find numerous examples of shrubs that blend smoothly with each other.

The plantations ensure that the podium and the gardens stay evergreen throughout the year, no matter the season. In this blog, you will also come across a wide variety of shrubs that you can explore at Rustomjee Crown.

The Heart of Green Luxury

When you enter Rustomjee Crown, the first thing you see is a mix of modern architecture and classical beauty. Every corner radiates luxury – from the grand lobby to the residences meticulously designed for the most discerning tastes, thus providing a sense of fulfillment.

The decision to bring nature into the property is a well-thought-out one to give residents enough room to relax, refresh, and reconnect with nature. The green spaces of Rustomjee Crown are the places to be for a calm and serene moment. Whether it is a walk through the well-groomed lawns or a moment of quiet sitting amid the fragrant flowers, it is a perfect place to get away from the busyness of city life.

Why are Shrubs and Plants Used in Modern Real Estate?

As you are here to explore the examples of shrubs on the property, you must be wondering about the existence of this concept in the first place. In modern real estate, the use of plants and shrubs enhances the beauty and provides functional benefits. This concept has successfully elevated the visual appeal and aesthetics of architecture and the sustainability of properties.

With the advent of green infrastructure, there has been a wave of promotion of well-being and green living among people who wish to live in the lap of nature. Moreover, the real estate industry has addressed issues such as energy efficiency and stormwater management with the inclusion of plantations. For instance, heat mitigation solutions are prompted by plantations on roofs and walls.

Rustomjee Crown Podium Trees

A Visual Guide to Examples of Shrubs at Rustomjee Crown

Plant Kingdom has diversity in the types of plants that we see around us. This flora is generally divided into trees, shrubs, and herbs. Shrubs are medium-sized plants and are further subdivided into more than 5 types, each having their own unique characteristics.

The apt size and visual appeal of shrubs are the reason that these are often used as borders and foundation plantings in parks, buildings, and also as a part of home decor. One can easily find numerous examples of shrubs at such locations. These shrubs are essential to enhance the aesthetics and ecological value of any property.

Here are some examples of such shrubs found at Rustomjee Crown:

  • Alocasia mycorrhiza

This shrub is known for its impressive large leaves and diverse utility. It is used for edible and medicinal purposes, as it is rich in vitamin C. Alocasia can be used to get glowing, healthy skin that is free from pigmentation and fine lines. The foliage of Alocasia adds to the aesthetic beauty of the property while checking the soil health through symbiotic relationships with beneficial fungi.

  • Philodendron selloum

Philodendrons are examples of shrubs that will easily survive if they get a regular water supply and indirect sunlight. That is why they are considered easy-to-care-for houseplants. Having these around you will help in air purification and is associated with reduced stress levels. Also, they have large, lobed leaves perfect for elegance indoors and out.

  • Calathea lutea

Calathea plants have big, bright, and patterned leaves, which make them suitable for decoration and aesthetic purposes. They prefer indirect sunlight over direct sunlight, which makes them preferable for placing in offices or buildings. They are quite easy to look after and grow well in a limited water supply.

  • Schefflera arboricola compacta

If given the right amount of care, Schefflera plants, also known as “umbrella trees,” can grow for years. They can grow indoors or outdoors in varying amounts of sunlight. Their root cuttings can be used to propagate the plant further. Also, they have air-purifying qualities and compact green foliage.

  • Pisonia alba

Pisonia is an ornamental shrub. It is small in size, grows in a tropical environment, and is an evergreen plant. This species is also known as “birdcatchers” that produce sticky seeds, which are then pollinated by the birds visiting them.

  • Ficus macrocarpa

As the name indicates, this shrub has fig-shaped leaves and the whole plant appears as a bushy leaf ball. Moderate moisture is needed for its growth, and waterlogging should be avoided as it is sensitive to excess water.

  • Cyperus alternifolius

It is also known as the umbrella palm and has a grass-like appearance. It is usually cultivated as an ornamental plant around the world, but in Africa, its ash is used for wound treatment. This plant is also known for its antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

Rustomjee Crown Podium Trees

Highlights of Unique Shrubs

Let us now explore some of the examples of shrubs found at Rustomjee Crown, each having a set of unique characteristics.

  • Rhapis humilis

Rhaphis has a moderate growth rate and a moderate water requirement. These shrubs have a clustering habit and distinct fan palms compared to other species of the same genus. Native to southeastern Asia, they grow in subtropical environments. They are low-maintenance indoor palms for sophistication.

  • Heliconia rostrata

Heliconia rostrata, also known as the lobster claw, is a shrub with colourful bracts that resemble lobster claws. These colourful, tropical flowers, with flaming tones of red, green, and yellow, give any scene a dramatic flair. With their distinctive and exotic appearance, they draw attention and make an intriguing impression in gardens.

  • Stachytarpheta indica

Blue porter weed (Stachytarpheta indica) attracts pollinators with its beautiful blue-violet spikes. This flowering plant increases the ecological variety of its ecosystem by providing butterflies, bees, and other helpful insects with an essential resource.

  • Zamioculcas zamiifolia

The ease of growing this plant is unlike the difficulty of pronouncing it. It is a perfect indoor and outdoor plant with a polished green look. These contribute to air purification and can easily be propagated by leaf cutting.

  • Homalomena rubescens

Homalomena Rubescens is a low-maintenance example of a shrub. It has green spade-shaped leaves with a glossy appearance. It is also known as “king of hearts.” One can easily keep this plant in their home within a pot, even if direct sunlight is not available, as they can still grow normally.

Rustomjee Crown Podium Trees

Nature at its Best at Rustomjee Crown

Connecting with nature has always been a soothing experience for mankind. In the hustle and bustle of the city, there has to be a place where one can go to disconnect and connect with their real selves. Keeping this in mind, Rustomjee Crown has created a space where luxury meets serenity.

This place is not only about being lavish; it is about finding balance after all your hard work. You can enjoy the best of flats and contemporary amenities and still find a chance to connect with the essence of nature in an urban setting.

We invite you to explore our plethora of examples of shrubs and trees. You will have one of the most fulfilling experiences while exploring this property. So, escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary with us!
